Want to Be an Entrepreneur?
Want to be an Entrepreneur?
Here are the Raw Facts.
Want to lead a less stressful life? Dictate your own pace and schedule? Spend more time with the family and friends doing things you enjoy? Do you have visions of independence and a life of leisure far removed from the monotony of a typical 9-5? If this is what you want, my advice; stay employed. Many Entrepreneurs will tell you, if they knew then what they know now, they may not have chosen the same path. There will be highs and lows, but I can tell you… it will not be as you imagined.
Entrepreneurship is not for the faint of heart, the easily discouraged, nor the quitter. It is for those who are willing to dedicate their time, energy, and resources. Being an Entrepreneur means you invest, work hard (and smart), with the hope of making a return on your investment; knowing the return is not guaranteed. Bottom line, entrepreneurship is a risk and entrepreneurs, risk takers. A large number of successful entrepreneur are products of many failed attempts. Most don’t get it right the first time, but this does not stop them; they regroup, learn from their mistakes and come back stronger, more focused, targeted.
Most entrepreneurs are HR, Marketing, Accounts, Sales, and Customer Service etc. They are the face of their business, and Brand Ambassadors. They work extra-ordinarily long hours; are first to arrive and the last to leave; they hardly take lunch breaks, days off, or vacations. They are the driving force behind their business. Head cook and bottle washer. This makes balancing personal and work life a constant challenge, with the latter often being more dominant and time consuming particularly in the start-up phase. When they get home at nights, their children are often long asleep and when they leave in the morning, not yet awake.
How and why do entrepreneurs maintain this routine for years, stay focused, and never up? They are driven, they are passionate, and they understand that success often requires sacrifice. Their goals are ever before them and they always find ways to make it happen. They face challenges like everyone, but their challenges motivate, build and mould them, and they learn to thrive in the face of obstacles.
Being an Entrepreneur may be the most challenging yet rewarding experience of your life. It’s akin to having a child. When the child is born they are helpless, they rely on your for everything, you have to give them lots of time and attention. Feed them until they can feed themselves; they creep, then walk, then run. It’s the same with a new business. It starts out an unknown entity, you take the time to ensure your product or service is marketable, you do the groundwork to further develop it, you then create a business plan, seek funding, Find and setup a location, hire/train staff, source inventory etc. All before you even open to the public.
“It’s not an easy road”, ask the Banton….